20th Feb 2015

More Technology Type Fonts

I like this font, its called Interlace and it reminds me of the old dot matrix printers and teletypes. This is another useful technology type font you can find online....

31st Jan 2015

Choosing a Technology Font

Whether you are coding programs or banging short stories out, the typeface you select to write in is not unimportant. But out there most typefaces are designed with not coders,...

29th Jan 2015

USA Football Fonts by Proxy

A couple of American football type fonts, just ready for the Superbowl. If you want to watch it live on US TV, try this program out. Here’s the video. Hope...

03rd Mar 2013

An Alternative to Latin

Many web designers, myself included will tend to use the familiar Lorem ipsum text for a placeholder.  In fact I don’t know many designers who don’t use this text when...

02nd Feb 2013
Why Designing a Website Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

Why Designing a Website Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

If you’re building a website for your business then you’ll be thinking about how it’s going to be set out, what colors you need, and what you want to achieve....

27th Mar 2012
Basic Factors to Consider in Website Design

Basic Factors to Consider in Website Design

  A lot of people nowadays fancy themselves as website designers. They shun professional help and advice thinking they can do just as good a job. At the same time...
