02nd Nov 2018

Sans Forgetica – the Memory Font

There’s an exciting development in Australia in the world of fonts.  Researchers claim to have developed a new font which could have implications for all sorts of people – a...

16th Feb 2018

Font News – Schnyder for T

Here’s a striking new font designed for a New York based magazine. It’s a striking and clear font which really stands out in both digital and paper media. Berton Hasebe...

19th Mar 2017

Sütterlin German Script Font

Just recently I was looking at a German dagger from the 2nd World War. It was certainly an impressive blade obviously designed for an Officer however even more interesting was...

31st Jan 2015

Choosing a Technology Font

Whether you are coding programs or banging short stories out, the typeface you select to write in is not unimportant. But out there most typefaces are designed with not coders,...